Country Selection Feature Enhances Global E-Commerce Checkout

New Feature Announcement: Country Selection at Checkout for E-Commerce Stores

Elevate your e-commerce store's global reach with our latest update that introduces tailored country selection capabilities at checkout. This feature enables store owners to manage and customize the countries available for shipping, enhancing the shopping experience for customers worldwide. Here's how it can enhance your store:

Shipping Locations

Gain control over where your products ship with flexible options:

  • Ship to all locations: Ensure your products can be sent anywhere across the globe.
  • Ship to specific countries: If you opt for selective shipping, a Search to select countries field will appear. You can then choose the countries you wish to ship to, and only these options will be visible to customers in the shipping details section at checkout.


Default Customer Location

Customize how customer locations are set during the checkout process:

  • No default location: Allow customers to manually enter their location.
  • Geolocate: Automatically detect the customer’s location based on their IP address and populate it for a seamless checkout experience.
  • Show all countries: Display all available countries for selection. If Ship to specific countries is active, only those specified will appear.


How to Implement

  1. Access your Store Builder and edit the Checkout Page of your e-commerce store.
  2. Select the Checkout element. Navigate to the Advanced Section in Settings on the right side to customize Shipping locations and Default customer location.
  3. In Form Options, choose your Shipping location preference:
    • Ship to all locations
    • Ship to specific countries (enables the Search to select countries field to choose specific countries).


  1. Under Default customer location, choose your option:
    • No default location
    • Geolocate
    • Show all countries (restricts to selected countries if applicable).
  2. Save and publish your changes to enable these options on your checkout page.


Key Points to Consider

  • Ensure the country/state field is not hidden to display country options.
  • If no specific countries are chosen under Ship to specific countries, worldwide shipping options will be available by default.
  • Utilizing the Geolocate feature simplifies checkout for international customers, making the process more efficient and user-friendly.
  • Customize your store's reach by expanding or restricting shipping locations to enhance the user experience.

In Case You Missed It: Enhance Your Workflow with New AI Bot and Status Automation for even smoother operations across your store platforms.

Stay ahead in e-commerce by leveraging this new feature to refine your shipping strategy and provide an optimal customer journey. For assistance or more information, feel free to contact us.

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