Enhanced Communication Features: View Contact Notes with Ease

Exciting Company Updates – Quickly View Contact Notes at a Glance

We’re excited to announce that we’ve enhanced our SMBcrm platform to foster better communication and engagement within your company.

Effortlessly View, Edit, and Add Notes

You can now view, edit, and add notes to all the contacts linked to your company from the Company detailed page itself.

This feature gives a broader look at your communications with contacts, providing a comprehensive view of your engagement history. Whether you’re looking to track customer service interactions, sales communications, or manage client relationships better, this feature allows you to readily access all necessary information.

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Seamless Note Search and Filter

To further enhance the efficiency of your navigation, you can now search and filter notes for any keyword or text. This update ensures you can quickly locate specific notes without having to sift through entire communication history.

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Improved Contact Notes Control

Alongside these updates, you also have the capability to filter notes linked to a specific contact within the company. This granular control helps you focus on specific individual communications when needed, aiding you in managing contact-level engagements with ease.

These developments aim to streamline your communication records, saving you time and promoting organizational efficiency.

For a deeper dive into these features, our FAQ has valuable resources and guidance.

In case you’ve missed it, check out our latest article on enhanced Dashboard Widgets where you can uncover the power of the new “is all of” operator.

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A Leads 365 LLC Company