Enhanced Email Campaign Conversion Metrics Now Include Shopify Orders

Enhanced Email Campaign Conversion Metrics Now Include Shopify Orders

Good news for our users who trust Shopify for their online sales. We are delighted to announce that the Shopify orders are now included in the Conversion Metrics of Email Statistics. This improvement was implemented after the launch of “Shopify order syncing” feature.

Previously, the campaign conversion metrics didn’t incorporate Shopify orders, leading to a partial view of your campaign’s success. We’ve worked to perfect our processes to make sure that these orders are now attributed to your campaign metrics. This gives you a more accurate and inclusive view of your Email Return on Investment (ROI) and conversions.

Why Did We Make This Update?

We wanted to provide:

  • Improved accuracy: By including Shopify orders, we can provide a more comprehensive view of campaign effectiveness.
  • Seamless integration: Our Payments team has ensured that confirmed Shopify orders are now visible under the Orders section, ensuring all sales data is readily available for analysis.

How to Access the Enhanced Conversion Metrics

To take a look at the new and improved Conversion Metrics, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the Email Campaigns under the Marketing section.
  2. Then go to Email Campaign Statistics.
  3. From there, you can explore the “Conversion Metrics” section to view revenue attribution statistics.

Please note that these statistics apply only to email campaigns under the Marketing section.

To get a detailed view of this process, watch this video summary.

This significant enhancement is in line with our commitment to continually improve the way you assess campaign effectiveness and measure ROI.

In Case You Missed It: Check out our recent feature update on the improved Email Builder for simplified lead generation.

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