Enhanced Execution Logs for Streamlined Workflow Views

Enhanced Execution Logs for a Clean and Streamlined View

Execution logs just got a lot cleaner and easier to interpret. With our latest enhancement, we've simplified the way workflow actions are displayed, providing users with a more organized and efficient experience.

Previous Behavior

In the past, execution logs for most of the workflow actions included two statuses: "waiting" and "executed." While comprehensive, this system often resulted in cluttered logs that could be cumbersome to navigate and understand, especially for our customers who needed fast access to actionable information.

What's New?

The updated execution logs now highlight only the end statuses. Instead of seeing two lines for each action, users will now only see statuses that are fully executed. If an action is still in progress, it will temporarily show a "waiting" status until it completes. This change offers a much cleaner view, allowing users to quickly ascertain the status of their actions with minimal fuss.

List of Supported Actions

Here's a rundown of actions benefiting from this streamlined display improvement:

  • Appointment Booking Bot
  • Chat GPT action
  • Conversation AI
  • Custom Code
  • Google Sheets
  • IG Interactive Messenger
  • Interactive Messenger
  • Custom Webhook
  • Slack
  • Clear Custom Object Record Fields
  • Update Custom Object Record
  • All IVR Actions
  • All Marketplace Actions
  • All Internal Actions

Important Note

It's important to note that while we've made these enhancements for a select group of actions, there are some—like the wait step and manual actions—that will continue to show as two separate logs. This distinction ensures that critical information remains complete and intact for actions where double-step logging is necessary.

We're committed to making your workflow processes smoother and more intuitive. If you have any questions about this update or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

In Case You Missed It: Check out our previous update on the Enhanced Background Color Customization in Email Builder.

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