Enhanced Orders List Export: Unveiling Line Item Details for Accurate Tracking

Exciting Update: Access to Detailed Product Information in Orders List Export

You asked, and we listened! We're pleased to announce an update that makes accessing detailed information about your orders even more convenient. We've introduced more extensive details in the Orders list export!

Key Player: Line Item Details

One of the ways we've improved the Orders list export is by introducing line item details. These details are essential for accurate record-keeping and reporting purposes. Here's what you can now access when you export your Orders list:

  • Line Item Name: Know exactly what was purchased in each transaction.
  • Line Item Quantity: Keep track of the exact quantity of each product sold.
  • Line Item Price: Stay informed of each product's selling price.
  • Line Item Discount: Monitor the discounts applied to each product, allowing you to see exactly how your discounts affect overall sales.
  • Line Item Subtotal: Check out each product’s subtotal, enabling accurate tracking of revenue at a product level.
  • Line Item Product ID: Reference each product’s unique identification number for easier identification and inventory management.
  • Line Item Price ID: Access the unique identifier for the price of the sale, great for detailed sales tracking and analysis.

Here's how it looks

Have a look at the details

This enhancement offers a more comprehensive overview of your Orders list, making it easier to track sales and manage your inventory. Combined with our advanced nurturing capabilities, you can harness this data to further enhance your customers' experience.

But that's not all we have in store. Make sure you stay updated with all our latest product announcements as we continue to update our platform with more features aimed at enhancing your leads management.

In Case You Missed It

Check out our previous update on NMI and Authorize.net integration for advancing your online payments.

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