Seamless Task & Note Management in Conversations

Enjoy Enhanced Productivity with Seamless Task and Note Management in Conversations Module

Great news for our valuable SMBcrm users! Here’s an improved feature for enhanced productivity and smoother workflow.

Our latest update allows you to create tasks and add notes without leaving the conversations module.

Seamless Notes and Task Creation

Say goodbye to navigating outside of your conversation to create a note or task. With our newest upgrade, you can create them directly from your conversation’s right pane for maximized efficiency.

Seamless Creation

Multitasking with Parallel Action

Engage in conversations while taking notes and creating tasks simultaneously. Our system gives you the ability to multitask effortlessly.

Parallel Action

Hassle-Free Task/Note Management

Easily edit and delete your tasks or notes from within the conversation. Our latest feature enables seamless task and note management.

Edit and Delete

‘Undo Delete’ Option for Easy Recovery

Accidently deleted an important note or task? No worries. Our ‘Undo Delete’ feature allows you to quickly restore lost data, ensuring minimal disruptions to your workflow.

Undo Delete

User Benefits:

  • Boosted Productivity: Manage notes and tasks without leaving the conversation module, saving time and multitasking easily.
  • Improved User Experience: With all actions integrated into the conversation module, workflow interruptions can be drastically reduced.
  • Quick Recoveries: The ‘Undo Delete’ feature allows easy recovery of accidentally deleted tasks, preventing data loss and unnecessary stress.

Remember, this feature is currently accessible via Labs. We are committed to offering you the best experience on SMBcrm. Stay tuned for more exciting updates.

In case you missed it: Check out our latest article here.

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