Enhanced Security Update: Transition to Secure API v2

Understanding the Importance of the Security Update

The security of your accounts is our utmost priority. This recent update significantly reduces the potential for unauthorized access to your account by disabling certain User APIs under API v1.

Addressing Common Security Concerns

Malicious actors often exploit the platform by creating unauthorized users using compromised API v1 keys. Once they gain access, they can manipulate account settings and execute various cybercrimes. This update aims to mitigate such vulnerabilities by disabling endpoints that handle user creation, updates, and deletions under the outdated API v1.

Details of the New Security Update

  • Disabling API v1 Endpoints: We have disabled the ability to create, update, or delete users via API v1. This step is crucial in safeguarding your account from unauthorized modifications.

  • Transition to API v2: For a safer and more secure experience, we urge all users to migrate their automation and integrations to the newer, more robust API v2 endpoints.

  • Temporary Use of Legacy APIs: Agencies that need more time to transition can temporarily disable the Enhanced Account Security setting. However, this action is only a short-term measure and should be undertaken with caution. For seamless transition, we recommend starting your migration process promptly to enhance your security.

Roll-Out Plan and Entities Identified

In the process of securing your accounts, we have identified a small group of users who have utilized these now-disabled legacy APIs in the past 30 days. For these users, the Enhanced Account Security setting has been automatically disabled to provide an uninterrupted transition period. Impacted users have been informed via email with the subject: “Important security update regarding legacy User APIs.”


Take Action

To all our valued users, ensuring the security of your accounts is a shared responsibility. We advise you to update your processes and shift to API v2 as soon as possible to continue enjoying uninterrupted, secure services.

For more updates, explore our product updates section for the latest announcements and features.

In Case You Missed It: Check out our recent update on the New Remove All Tags Toggle Feature for Streamlined Contact Management and enhance your experience further.

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