Exciting Announcement: Enhanced Invoice Delivery Control

Take Control of Your Invoice Delivery with New Configuration Options

At SMBcrm, we are dedicated to continually improve our platform to suit your business needs. We’re delighted to announce a new update that will offer you even more control over your operations.

You now have the ability to configure both the name and the email address from which your invoices are sent. This enhanced control will apply not only to the invoices you send out to your customers, but also to your team’s notifications.

This feature gives you greater power to craft your brand’s proposition. It offers flexibility, allowing you to decide how your business is represented in every corner.

These settings will apply to all invoices going out from any of your accounts, regardless of the channel. This consistency across all channels strengthens your brand image and enhances your customers’ perceptions.

Invoice Settings Image

This update is part of our ongoing commitment to delivering a platform that seamlessly meets your requirements and enhances your experience. If you need assistance implementing this feature, or if you have any questions or concerns, rest assured our expert team is ready to help. Visit our contact us page for more details.

In Case You Missed It

Check out our previously announced improved customizability and default pages for enhanced user experience. This feature allows you to customize your user experience to match your brand perfectly.

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