Exciting Update: Improved Partial Order Fulfillment Options

An Update You’ve Been Waiting For: Partial Fulfillment of E-Commerce Orders

It’s a great day for SMBcrm users, especially those operating e-commerce platforms. We’re pleased to announce that store owners now have the ability to manually partially fulfill their orders directly on our platform. This means you can dispatch specific items within a larger order according to different schedules and availability.

Step-by-step Guide to Partially Fulfill Items in an Order

Step 1

Navigate to your order details, which you can locate by going to Payments > Orders > View Order Details > Fulfil Items.

Step 2

In the Fulfil Items section, choose the quantity of each item that you need to fulfill. Add the necessary tracking details: Tracking Number, Shipping Carrier, and Tracking URL. We’ve added an option to notify your customers with their shipment details via email, keeping them updated about their deliveries.

Step 3

On the Orders Details page, items that have been partially fulfilled will display their respective details including item name, quantity, and tracking information under the Fulfilment(s) section.

Please refer to the screenshots below:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

We’re always looking to improve your experience with SMBcrm. This update is all about bringing greater control and flexibility to your e-commerce operations.

If you have any questions about this feature or need assistance in setting it up, feel free to contact us.

In Case You Missed It

Check out our previous product update on deleting payment links directly from your dashboard for easier management of payment methods.

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