Flexible SMS Number Selection for Enhanced Communication

Enhance Your SMS Communication with Flexible Phone Number Selection

We’re pleased to introduce a powerful enhancement to your communication strategy—now you can select the phone number from which you send SMS messages. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate in multiple countries or need to use different numbers for specific purposes. By doing so, you can expect increased response rates, enhanced trust, and streamlined communication tailored to the context of each message.

What’s New?

Previously, sending SMS messages was restricted to a default number. Now, you have the option to choose the specific phone number for each message. If a contact has multiple numbers, you can also select which one to communicate with. This ensures that the right message gets to the right person with contextually appropriate contact details.

Key Features

Select the Sending Number

  • Choose from a list of available numbers to send your SMS from.
  • The “From” dropdown menu displays options, including tags for default and last used numbers.
  • View the friendly name and assigned user beneath each available number.
  • The system smartly defaults to the last used number for existing conversations and the default number for new contacts.

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Select Recipient’s Number

  • For contacts with multiple numbers, easily switch the recipient number through a dropdown menu next to the “To” field.
  • The primary contact number is pre-selected if no prior communication exists.


  • Admins can view all numbers configured in your account.
  • Users have access to the default number, any number assigned specifically to them, unassigned numbers, and the last number used in conversations with each contact.

How This Helps

  • Better Control: Easily manage communication across different departments, services, or teams by selecting the most suitable number for each SMS.
  • Clearer Communication: Eliminate confusion by consistently using the correct sending number for each recipient.
  • Improve Response Rate and Trust: Increase recipient trust and likelihood of response by utilizing local numbers for regional communication.

Note: This feature is currently accessible via Labs.

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