Introducing A2P 10DLC Regulations: Facing Potential Non-Compliance Fines

Introducing A2P 10DLC Regulations: Facing Potential Non-Compliance Fines

Wondering what this new update entails? T-Mobile has implemented regulations concerning Application-to-Person (A2P) 10DLC for content that is forbidden. Specifically, if messages containing prohibited content are identified, severe consumer violations (Sev-0) will be triggered. Subsequently, a non-compliance fine will be levied, and the infringing messages will face an immediate carrier block.

These being said, the implications reach across all A2P commercial messaging products (SMS or MMS short codes, toll-free services, and 10DLC) that interact with the T-Mobile network.

Understanding The New Regulations

At SMBcrm, we value the importance of transparency and clear user communication. Therefore, starting February 15, 2024, we will incorporate fines for every Sev-0 violation. The violation categories include and are not limited to:

  1. Tier 1 ($2,000): This covers phishing (including simulated fishing sent for security testing purposes or alike), smishing and social engineering. The definition of Social Engineering is a method employed to manipulate individuals to disclose confidential details, such as passwords or credit card information.
  2. Tier 2 ($1,000): This pertains to identifying illegal content in messages sent via A2P commercial messaging products. The content should be legal, both federally and in all 50 states.
  3. Tier 3 ($500): This fine is imposed on all other violations in commercial messaging, including offensive material or SHAFT (sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, tobacco) that violate respective federal and state laws and regulations, e.g., age-gate.

Take note that these non-compliance fines are applicable to any A2P commercial messaging product.

Consequences of Non-compliance

T-Mobile has the authority to permanently suspend any brands, campaigns, and potentially your company’s access to the T-Mobile Network if violations are considered excessive. On being fined, SMBcrm users will receive a Sev-0 violation notice, followed by the non-compliance fine charges.

To learn more about how to ensure your campaigns are compliant and avoid such instances, make sure to check out our FAQ section. Additionally, feel free to contact us for more details or support for any concerns.

In Case You Missed It

In our continued efforts to deliver timely updates and new features, you may want to check out our latest feature – Unique URLs for Product Variants from our product updates page.

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