Introducing Collective Event Types: Elevate Collaboration and Boost Productivity

Harness the Power of Collective Event Types

We are thrilled to introduce our latest feature – Collective Event Types. With this new update, you can now seamlessly schedule meetings involving multiple members of your team at once. It allows for dynamic collaboration and an elevated level of productivity that provides a transformative scheduling experience.

Key Use Cases

From dynamic sales calls to insightful interviews, the possibilities are endless:

  • Activate an account executive and an SDR at once for engaging sales calls.
  • Utilize the combined expertise of a customer support rep and an engineer for swift resolution of technical issues.
  • Add another level to your interview process by facilitating simultaneous conversations involving a candidate, a recruiter, and a hiring manager.

How it Works

Our Collective Booking feature allows multiple users or team members to share one common calendar. Adopting a holistic approach, it showcases time slots based on the combined availability of all team members in the collective booking calendar.

Upon selection, individuals looking to schedule an appointment will be able to see when all relevant team members are available. With this, you ensure that all crucial parties are present, thus boosting the effectiveness of your meetings.

Collective Booking Calendar View

Available slots view

Selection view

Confirmation view


In Case You Missed It
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