Introducing “Featured Posts”: Take Control of Your Content Visibility!

We are excited to announce a groundbreaking feature that provides Admins and Owners more authority over their content visibility on their channels and home timeline. This amazing feature allows you to "Feature" or pin posts.

Here's How to Feature a Post:

To feature a post, you just need to click on the three dots menu (⋮) appearing on a post and select "Pin".

Featured posts shine a spotlight onto your selected content in two primary ways:

  1. Channel Level: When a post is pinned on a channel, it becomes prominently displayed at the top of that particular channel. This means more exposure and easy accessibility for viewers.

  2. Home Timeline: When you feature a post on your Home Timeline, it automatically takes the top spot in your home feed ensuring maximum reach.

Taking a Post Down from the Spotlight

Removing pinned posts is just as easy as featuring them. From the three dots menu on the posts or the pinned sections, just select "Unpin" to take a post down from the spotlight.

Quick Tip – To browse through a post, you can make use of the arrow buttons which become visible after pinning two or more posts.


As we continue to enhance your SMBcrm experience, make sure you take full advantage of this new feature to feature your most important posts.

In Case You Missed It

For those who may have missed our previous announcement, learn about our enhanced coupon code capabilities and how to leverage them to get the most of your account.

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