Introducing the Blog Importer Effortlessly Import Your Blog Posts

Introducing the Blog Importer: Effortlessly Import Your Blog Posts

We are excited to introduce a transformative feature, the Blog Importer, which enables you to conveniently import blog posts from any CMS through a simple 3-step process. This tool simplifies the process of managing your blogs by allowing you to easily map fields like titles, categories, and authors. Whether you choose to publish immediately or save your work as a draft, the Blog Importer gives you the flexibility you need.

Key Features

  1. Easy 3-Step Process: Start by adding the blog URL and a recent blog post URL to scan and preview the content.
    • Note: If the iframe is blocked, the blog post preview will not be displayed, but the functionality will still work.
  2. Mapping Breakdown: Effortlessly map the blog title, category or tags, featured image, published date, content, and author from the preview screen.
  3. Review and Publish: Once your content is set up, review it and publish when ready!


Before you start, ensure that your blog has a sitemap for posts. For example, if your blog URL is, you need a sitemap located at

How Does It Work?

Step 1: Setup Your Import

  • Navigate to Sites > Blog.
  • Click on the specific blog name.
  • Select New Post > Import Blog Post.
  • Enter the blog URL and the last published blog post URL.
  • Choose the CMS you’re importing from.

    Tip: After setting up, you can monitor the “Scan in Progress” status in the “Imported Content” section.

Step 2: Map Content

Select elements such as the blog title, published date, author name, content, and category/tags. If the mapping isn’t correct, manually select the appropriate CSS selector for accuracy.

Step 3: Import Content

Once the scraping process (which usually takes 10-20 minutes for up to 1,000 posts) is complete, you can import each post individually or perform a bulk import. Note that all posts will initially be set as drafts.

Final Recommendation

Before going live, always preview your blog post to ensure everything appears as intended.

For more information or guidance, feel free to contact us or request a demo. Discover more about our offerings on our main site.

In Case You Missed It: Check out our latest update on Workflows Marketplace UI Enhancements.

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