Introducing the Customizable Contact Association Tool

Discover the New Contact-to-Contact Association Tool

We're excited to introduce a powerful new feature that enhances your contact management capabilities with customizable contact associations. These new tools are designed to streamline relationships between contacts, making it easier than ever to define and manage interactions with your network.

Custom Contact Associations

The latest update allows you to create meaningful connections between contacts through custom labels. Whether you need to define relationships like "Parent-Child," "Spouse," or "Business Partner," you can efficiently organize and view connections right from the contact details view. This feature allows up to 10 custom labels per relationship, providing flexibility in managing your network.

Managing Associations Made Easy

In the contact details view, you can now see a dedicated section for linked contacts, organized by their association labels. This setup offers a clear, structured overview of all related contacts, enhancing your ability to manage network relationships proficiently. Admins have the flexibility to manage, create, and edit these associations directly, providing full control over how contact relationships are defined.

How to Use the New Association Feature

To leverage this feature:

  1. Creating Associations

    • Admins can create custom association labels by navigating to Settings > Objects > Contacts and selecting "+ Create Association."
      Create Association

    • Options include selecting either a single label or pair of labels such as "Manager-Employee." Save to confirm your selection.
      Single or Pair Labels Pair Labels Example

    • Edit or delete association labels with ease using the kebab menu.

    Edit/Delete Labels

  2. Linking and Viewing Linked Contacts

    • Open the specific contact's details page. The "Associations" section is located on the right panel.
      Associations Panel

    • Add a contact by clicking "Add" next to Contacts, then select the contact and choose the appropriate relationship labels.
      Add Linked Contact

    • The associated contact will appear in the contact’s details, with the link mirrored on the other contact's page.

    Associated Contacts Contact Details
    Mirror Connection

Looking Ahead

Stay tuned for future enhancements that will enable even more robust management of associated contacts. Upcoming features will enable actions like automated contact creation and updates within workflows, as well as CCing multiple linked contacts in communications, integrating custom fields for a more personalized touch.

Make sure to keep checking our product updates for more information on our evolving features and tools.

In Case You Missed It:

Catch up on our most recent update with our Introducing Math Calculation V2 for Enhanced Forms and Surveys article, where we delve into exciting advancements in data handling and contact interaction within your forms.

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