Introducing the Undo/Redo Functionality in our Form/Survey Builder

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of a long-anticipated feature: the Undo/Redo functionality in our Form/Survey Builder. This enhancement gives you more control and flexibility when creating forms and surveys.

Where Can I Find This Update?

You can find and access the Undo/Redo options with ease. They are conveniently located in the Form/Survey Builder secondary header. You have access to a wide range of actions, including the ability to undo and redo up to 20 actions. This feature is expected to improve your workflow when designing and editing your forms and surveys.

How Does This Functionality Work?

The Range of Actions

The Undo/Redo feature offers a broad scope of actions encompassing adding, removing, and swapping fields; adjusting field settings; modifying form/survey settings, and more.

Supported Fields

When it comes to the fields supported, rest assured that all the standard and custom fields are implemented in the Undo/Redo functionality.

Specific Settings

The Undo/Redo feature extends to various specifics, including placeholders, labels, short-label, and button settings. Here is how it works:


This feature also enables you to undo or redo changes made to themes on your forms or surveys.

Online registration form interface with fields.


With this functionality, you have plenty of room to experiment and refine your forms or surveys. This is because the builder remembers up to 20 actions for both undoing and redoing.

Online survey form interface with input fields.

By taking advantage of this feature, you can significantly improve your user experience when creating and editing your forms/surveys. You have more room to experiment, less worry about making mistakes, and more fluid controls. Visit our website to check out this new feature.

In Case You Missed It

Check out our previous update on Seamless Affiliate Deletion. Learn how you can manage your affiliate programs more efficiently in your account. We always aim to provide you with the best tools for your marketing efforts. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

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