Mobile App v3.74 Release Exciting Updates and Fixes

Mobile App – v3.74 Release: Exciting Updates and Fixes!

We’re thrilled to announce our latest update to our Mobile App! This update brings a host of improvements and fixes that further enhance the usability of the mobile apps. Version 3.74.2 will be available across all iOS and Android app variations.

🚀 What’s New

Updated Notification Badge Logic

The badge count now accurately reflects the number of unread notifications, not just unread conversations.

Persistent Filters on Conversations and Tasks

Filters applied on the Conversations and Tasks pages will now retain their selections until the user decides to change or remove them, improving efficiency and workflow consistency.

Seamless Creation of CRM Contacts from Native Contacts

If a call is made from the device’s native quick actions (long pressing the app icon and tapping on “Make a Call”), CRM contacts can now be created seamlessly.

Streamlined Product Editor

Products created on the web will now be accessible on mobile and vice versa, ensuring a seamless experience across platforms.

Enhanced Features for Documents and Contracts

Any documents created on the web will be seamlessly accessible on mobile devices and vice versa.

Fixed Call Duration Reset Glitch

Previously, rotating the device from portrait to landscape mode during a call reset the call duration to 00:00. This glitch has now been fixed.

Mobile App Update

👷‍♂️ Notification Count – How It Works

  1. Open the mobile app with your preferred account selected.
  2. Navigate to the notifications section and click on any unread notification to view it.
  3. Upon reading the notification, the badge count will decrease by one.
  4. To clear the badge count entirely, tap on the three-dot icon on the top right and select “Mark all notifications as read”. This will clear the badge count on your device.


⭐️ Why it Matters

This update provides clarity on how the badge count is calculated, ensuring you have an accurate count of unread notifications at all times.

⏱️ Availability

  • LeadConnector (iOS, Android) – v3.74 or later

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements. This update is designed to make your mobile app experience smoother and more intuitive.

In Case You Missed It: Check out our previous product update.

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