New Feature: Toggle to Auto-Enroll Customers as Sub Affiliates

Exciting Update: Toggle to Enroll New Customers as Sub Affiliates

We're thrilled to introduce a new feature that enhances the flexibility and control within our Affiliate Manager. Users can now decide if they want to automatically enroll new customers as sub affiliates under the affiliate who brought them in following a successful sale.

What's New?

Campaign Setting:

A toggle in campaign settings under "Additional Settings" allows enabling or disabling the auto-enrollment of new customers as sub affiliates.

Global Setting:

A similar toggle can be configured in global settings, applicable to all future campaigns you create.

How It Works:

  1. Go to the Sub Account Affiliate Manager.
  2. Click on an existing campaign or create a new one.
  3. At the last step, expand "Additional Settings."
  4. Configure the toggle for "Auto Enroll New Customers as Sub Affiliates."
  5. Save and publish your changes.



Why It Matters:

Previously, all new customers brought in by an affiliate after a successful purchase were automatically converted to sub affiliates under that affiliate. With various ways to recruit and add sub affiliates, users now have the flexibility to disable this automatic conversion. This adjustment allows users to better manage how sub affiliates are created and maintain separate customer relationships if necessary.

For additional insights into managing your campaigns, feel free to explore our FAQs or contact us for any assistance.

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