Revamp Your Opportunities Workflow with Enhanced Contact Selection and Creation 🚀

Introducing Enhanced Contact Selection and Creation for Opportunities 🪄

We are thrilled to announce the latest improvements to our Opportunities feature! These enhancements focus on streamlining the contact selection process in the opportunities model, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Contact Selection Improvement 🔄

We have replaced the previous dropdown for contact selection, addressing the confusion caused by the older dropdown displaying newly created contacts. By simplifying this process, you'll be able to manage your opportunities more effectively.

New "Create Contact" Action 🆕

We've introduced a dedicated action for creating new contacts alongside the contact selection dropdown. With this new feature, you can now select an existing contact from the dropdown or directly create a new contact using the "Create Contact" action, optimizing your opportunities management process.

Enhanced Contact Selection and Creation for Opportunities

These improvements are designed to enhance the user experience and make managing opportunities more efficient 🚀. Be sure to take advantage of these updates in your day-to-day activities with SMBcrm.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help!

In Case You Missed It: Check out our latest product announcement on revolutionizing email writing with Content AI's custom value option.

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