Voicemail Messages Webhook Support

New Product Update – Webhook Support for Voicemail Messages

We are excited to announce our latest product update: Webhook Support for Voicemail Messages. This update is aimed at providing seamless real-time notifications for voicemails via Inbound and Outbound message Webhooks.

What’s New?

Real-time Voicemail Notifications

Our developer webhooks will now begin receiving two new types of events for voicemail messages: InboundMessage and OutboundMessage. This enhancement allows you to stay updated with real-time voicemail notifications, ensuring you never miss an important message.

Unattended and Workflow Calls

Voicemails from calls that were unattended or routed through workflows will be delivered directly to the webhook. This streamlined process ensures that all voicemail messages are captured and accessible.

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Voicemail Recording URLs

The voicemail recording URLs will now be included in the attachments section. This feature facilitates easy access to voicemail recordings, allowing you to review messages with a simple click.

For more details, visit our FAQ section or explore our Blog for the latest updates and tips.

Stay Engaged

To maximize your use of this new feature, consider integrating it with your existing CRM workflows. Managing voicemails alongside other communication channels enhances your ability to respond promptly and maintain a high level of customer service.

In Case You Missed It

Check out our latest article for more exciting updates and enhancements. Stay tuned for more features and improvements designed to help you capture, nurture, and close leads more effectively!

For further questions, please Contact Us or Request a Demo to see these new features in action.

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