Generating Sales Just Got A Whole Lot Easier With SMBcrm
How It Works
Take Advantage of Each Opportunity
Automatically creates contacts for each person that has interacted with your business online. Then promote your business to turn them into paying customers.
Make Better Decisions
Keep track of each lead & exactly where they are in your sales process. That way you can focus more of your energy on the ones that are close to buying.
Speed Up Sales
With our checkout pages, invoicing options, & text 2 pay links you can easily sell online & get paid faster than ever before.
Sales Pipeline
Close More Deals with Less Work
Create a sales pipeline optimized to drive more sales to your business
Automated tasks and follow-up help you bring more deals to close
Get real-time updates on your leads so you can stay on top of everything
Whether you are a solo-preneaur or you have a sales team by your side SMBcrm will keep you organized and streamlined, so you never lose a potential customer again
Automatically creates a contact anytime a lead calls you, texts you, emails you, or messages you on social media Automated tasks and follow-up help you bring more deals to close
Each new contact is another sales opportunity - automatically build your list with SMBcrm
Keep your customer’s notes, tasks, upcoming appointments, calls, contracts, emails, and everything you have on a contact in one place
Stay organized and in control of your customer relationships